Thursday, July 5, 2007

The 4th

The 4th was a wonderful, and awful day all at the same time.
The morning started off wonderful. We got up, and Ave helped me ice/decorate cupcakes we were taking to our friends the Caleb's house. I went to jazzercise (and boy do my bones feel it to today.) Then after Avery's nap, and making mac n cheese we headed over to the Caleb's to celebrate the 4th. There was a wonderful spread of food, but by 4pm Ave was not feeling well... SO we had to make a quick dash home. The rest of the evening we spent look'n after Ave who was not feeling good (stomach bug/or something he ate, we aren't sure). With Ave sleep'n on the floor in a blanket bed in front of the TV, AJ sleep'n in his bouncer Adam and I watched the DC fireworks on TV and the firework display out our window that some neighbor somewhere was set'n off.
As we headed to be around 10:30ish we knew that Avery was on the mend. We gave him some pedialyte and he quickly told me it was "sour" and then called it "yucky water" and politely told me "no" when I asked him if he wanted anymore.... We knew then that he was on the road to recovery. So while it was an aweful day with one of our baby's under the weather, it was a wonderful day in the fact that we were still all together. I hope everybody else had a wonderful 4th!

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