Thursday, October 11, 2007


I just don't know how else to explain this time. Avery is doing excellent in school, although at times still complianing about his back, it has lessen some. AJ is now 6 months old (offically 1/2 a year old, I can't believe it.) He goes in for his 6 month appointment on friday, so we will be starting "baby food" (homemade) this weekend!

For the past 2-3 weeks I have been dealin with almost daily migraines. God is definetly showing me my strength as it is difficult at times, to manage, work, 2 kids, meals, baths, and just life with a constant pain in your head.

Adam and I are taking a WONDERFUL course at our church, which I will post more about at a later time.

Don't feel that I've forgotten about this blog.. just busy, will hope to post more this weekend along with pictures!

1 comment:

~M said...

Happy Birthday!!!!