Monday, August 6, 2007

Where did the time go

It was a busy crazy weekend...

Friday Adam and I both escaped work early and met at Starbucks for a quick coffee date. It was quite wonderful.. just a nice quick time to catch up and spend some QT together. Friday evening we met up with some friends and went to Ned's to hear my friend Darron's band reflix live. We had a wonderful time... my voice that I had already started to lose Thursday/Friday was gone by Saturday. I don't recall the last time I had such a good time.

Rise and Shine Saturday... Adam went and played golf with Chase and I went to help Mariah get ready for BGP.... or Gertrude as I call her. Avery went and we spent the morning getting her room together... we put the crib together, (who says a woman can't do stuff like that) and got her room a bit more ready for her arrival any day now. We came home and we all went down for a quick nap (thanks to the late nap), then headed over the Caleb's to celebrate Caleb's birthday (which is this coming Tuesday). We had a nice time over there but called in an early evening and headed home.

After getting the boys to bed, Adam and I watched The Pursuit of Happyness... what a wonderful movie... depressing for the first 1 hr and 50 minutes, but the last 5 minutes made up for

Sunday, we got up early (like always), and Avery and I hit the road up to Joppa, MD to visit with Michele for a bit. It was a nice time visiting with her... she is doing WONDERFULLY for just being so fresh from surgery. It was amazing to see how loved she is and the outpouring of support she is getting. She is truly a wonderful person.

Avery and I got home and we both took an afternoon nap.... and then we just rested with the rest of the family for the rest of the day.

Sunday evening, AJ was laying on his floor gym and Avery came up and laid down next to him... and it was just priceless to see them play. AJ would reach out and touch Avery's face.. or hold his hand and Avery would just laugh... or lean in and kiss his little brother... I will post pictures that we took of it... but it was just absolutely priceless.

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