Tuesday, June 26, 2007

My Boys

I love my boys... there are no doubt the most precious things in my life. I picked Avery up from school yesterday, the highlight of my day... they were out on the playground and when he saw me... he just comes running into my arms and gives me the biggest hug his 2 year old arms can give... sometimes I wish time stood still during those moments.
They are having splash day at school today, so Avery and I went to the grocery store after I got him to get some new swim diapers and other batteries for AJ's swing. Avery is my big helper in the store... he likes to take whatever we get and put it into the back of the cart, and then hand me everything to ring up.
We got home at the sametime that Adam did... and Avery was shocked to see his daddy there to get him.
My littlest angel was sitting with TT eating when we got home... whenever I see AJ I just want to gobble him up. You can kiss on his little cheeks and he'll just SMILE! So happy and so content. I was loving life later as Avery was in bed, and AJ just fell asleep on my shoulder... is life really any better than this.
AJ is having his baby dedication on August 19th. Rich Hurst will be doing the dedication... which is actually very meaningfull for us. You see Rich is who married Adam and Me, almost 4 years ago, then 2 years ago he was the one who did Avery's baby dedication... and now he will do AJ's... we are so very excited.

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